Rob Jansen: f. garden management, wants him to stay and made the formal offer. Dirk Kuyt has in mind is to be clear, I'd say definitely asFenerbahce and which expires at the end of the season, a contract between a Dutch player, Dirk Kuyt's agent Rob Jansen, the country's press is extremely striking descriptions found. Jansen, managers of the Club sarılacivertli, 34-year-old player's contract extension of emphasizing an official offer they received about, used the following statements: "sign a new contract with the club managers, Kuyt showed interest on behalf of. Definitive decision, but ... Kuyt, this issue has not made its decision yet for sure. V. Pavan, Dutch star really wants to keep the team. That's what we think a serious way. Kuyt has in mind is to say absolutely clearly, "he said. 2014-15 football season upon completion of the contract expire at the Dutch star, will return to his country by sarılacivertli leaves a team claimed.