multi, poly
lot, more, hell
much, many, very, big, well, plenty, greatly, awfully, badly, deeply, highly, a lot, plenty of, acres and acres, bloody, damned, enormously, ever so, fantastically, galore, heaps of, heartily, heavily, heavy, jolly, largely, loads of, lots of
much, many, very, big, plenty, plentiful, good, fair, like hell, deadly, heavy, abounding, abundant, affluent, ample, countless, dead, exuberant, hearty, hell of, helluva, innumerable, lavish, multitudinous, numerous, piping, plenteous, precious
collapse, cave in, fall down, give way, crumple up, decline, sink, fall in, come down, settle, cave, cower, crack, crack-up, crouch, crumple, dent, descend, dip, fold, fold up, founder, gravitate, sag, slump, slump down, squat, subside